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German Jordanian University (GJU)
2007 - The German Jordanian University is considered to be of a unique contemporary architectural design adding a significant landmark to...

Education First Language School
2019 - The design concept of this project the idea of combing natural elements within the interior spaces of the langue school. This was ...

King Faisal University – Female Student Library
2015 - The spatial and informational extension of the female student library outside the physical boundaries and the integration of the f...

Faculty Of Science And Veterinary Medicine - KFU
2015 - King Abdullah University Hospital (KAUH) intents to expand the Hospital to include a Radiotherapy Centre connected to the North We...

Al-Hudaidah University Central Library
2002 - Al-Hodaidah University Central Library reflects the contemporary vision of the Yemeni heritage in urban context through preserving...

KFU Medical Colleges
2014 - King Faisal University intends to put forward a design project of Medical Colleges Complex in Al Oqeer Road with the basic infrast...

Jordan University Of Science And Technology Social Spine
1999 - Being inspired by innovative campus principles, the Jordan University of Science and Technology’s Social Spine used the axial prin...

AL-Yarmouk University Central Library
1997 - Offering a unique educational space through a distinctive architectural design that interacts with its urban and educational surro...

Modern Arab Schools
1993 - The design emerged from the school’s historical importance as an educational and academic institution serving the development of t...

Sharjah City For Humanitarian Services (SCHS)
2016 - The Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS) is the first complete integrated city that encourages creative ideas that take a...
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