KING HUSSEIN MEDICAL CITY MASTER PLAN Location: Amman - Jordan Client: Directorate of Housing Establishment & Military Works Plot Size: 774,000 m2 Starting Date: June 2014 Completion Date: 2015 Services Provided: Master Planning Project Description: 2014 - The project's site is located in the northwestern part of the city of Amman; King Hussein Medical City represents the most important military hospital complexes in the Kingdom as it offers its services to all military beneficiaries of these services and transfer cases from public hospitals throughout the Kingdom. Its staff includes a large number of specialists, nurses and administrators, and grant degrees of competence in medicine for most disciplines, as it is equipped with medical contracts with leading international medical institutions worldwide. KHMC Conducted the first organ transplant operations in the Middle East, it recorded a heart transplant in the early eighties of the last century, as it was at the time confined to medically advanced countries. The project to develop King Hussein Medical City site (about 774'000 m²) and the preparation of a master plan for the next fifty years to come. The importance of this project stems from highlighting the value of the site as the most vital medical site in the city of Amman, and the need to keep pace with medical advances globally in order to be a leader in the region as it has been always, and to sustain it for the next fifty years